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Carlos Rezende

In recent years Carlos Rezende has dedicated himself to the realisation of art-related educational projects in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. “Blue Days” (2014/15) brought to the museum exhibition 12,800 children through an educational action coordinated by professor and art educator Debora Paiva. Continuing this project, he staged the exhibition “Sintagmas” (2016), including some works of his own, at the Mário de Andrade Library. Lectures and workshops on contemporary art and artist books were presented throughout the show.

Between the years 2001 and 2011, some of them spent living outside Brazil, Rezende presented, at the request of the then director of the newspaper Tribuna Impressa, important artists on the international scene. He wrote about and presented the work of Damien Hirst, Julian Schnabel, Andreas Gursky, Francesco Clemente, Transvanguardia Italiana, Gerhardt Richter, Maurizio Catelan, and Cy Twombly, among others.


Published in 2014 the book “Os Véus, A.”, chronicles of Rome, Paris, Reykjavik and Venice.

Rezende studied Architecture (São Paulo University) and Frescoes and History of Art in Rome and is a muralist, having worked with the American artist Sol LeWitt, in the execution of Wall Drawings. Partner of the architect
Andrea Bersanetti – studio A2 Architecture and Contemporary Art – State of São Paulo, Brazil, reference in institutional and residential projects of architecture, landscaping architecture and design.

He lives and works in Brazil, with artistic residence in Rome and New York.

Collections: Rezende has works in important museums such as MUBE – São Paulo, Brazil, MARP-Ribeirão Preto,
MAC-USP – São Paulo and Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo.

Recent Exhibition latest:

Solo Shows:
“AD HOC” – Urban site specific, city of Roma, Italy, 250 drawings, 3-30 May, 2017.

“Patterns Project”, 3-27 November 2017, Raumreolom, Zurich, Switzerland.

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